Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bible Presentation

Once a month, our church has a baby Bible presentation for babies that are 6-months and younger.  It is a mini baby dedication of sorts where the church gives each of the babies a Bible and prays over the family at the beginning of the service.  We signed up for the service at the end of January for Addison to receive her Bible.  Jim, Deanna, Jason, Jenn and Jackson all came to church with us that Sunday morning for the presentation.  It was so special to have them there.  We all had a yummy BBQ lunch after church.  We pray that Addison will grow up knowing the truths written in her Bible and will come to know the Lord as her Savior.
Pastor Ben Young praying over the families

Addison and her daddy

Family pic

Clutching her Bible tight

Jax, Deanna and Ad
Addison looked so pretty that morning in the dress that was handmade by Monica's mom, Margie. 
Momma and her girl


Unknown said...

This just melts my heart. I love the family pic and the one of Princess with her Bible. She is such a sweet girl and so blessed to have such amazing parents leading and guiding her. I know we will all cherish these pictures forever!

Renae said...

Awww, that is too precious. Love the pictures of her holding the Bible!!