So....I know I posted a few days ago that I LOVE receiving Christmas cards, and I still do. However, I received one the other day that I am not sure I am so fond of. I opened the card from a person, who will remain nameless, (who I also don't think reads my blog) that I haven't seen in several years. Anyway, she wrote me a sweet note inside, said she had received our Christmas card, and followed that up with...."Do I detect you are expanding your family? If so, congratulations." WHAT??? It really never crossed my mind that the pictures I included on our card this year made me look pregnant enough that people would feel confident enough to write such things in a card. Of course, I would do this on a year that I decided not to include a letter in our card. Anyway, I sort of think it is funny now, but decided to set the record straight for the 5 people who read this blog (who I am pretty sure know that I am not 6 months pregnant). Guess that means I should lay off the holiday goodies this year and start that workout routine I keep saying I am going to start each Monday. The following are the pics I included on our card this year...

I know the shirt isn't fitted but come on!!
Ok...I guess I can kinda see where she is coming from here, but it was cold outside. I had on a shirt, jacket, and pashmina. Note to self....this is not an acceptable outfit if you want to look thin in the future.
RIDICULOUS!! That is all I have to say about that.
I have no idea what she is talking about. If she wants to see pregnant, send her to my blog!
I read my blogs at work, but am blocked from commenting. I couldn't wait to get home and post that I think she's freakin' crazy! You look great in the pictures, first of all. And secondly, who in the world says that if they don't know for sure. Grrrr.
But, I am anxiously awaiting any announcements from you and Jason in the next year or so. (wink wink)
WHAT??? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Girl, you don't look pregnant at all. You need to tell her to keep her big mouth shut! That is why I NEVER ask if someone is pregnant!
All I know is that if you were your mom would have called..
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