Last weekend (April 30th-May 2nd) Cody, Brittany, and I make the trek down to Harlingen for their wedding shower. We got to Harlingen around midnight on Friday night after a drive that seemed like it would never end. We all went straight to bed because we had big plans to fish Saturday morning (which in our house means waking up at 5am so you can go to Stripes, get a breakfast taco, drive to Port Mansfield, buy shrimp, and be on the water between 6:30-7:00am). With bleary eyes, we boarded the boat and froze our butts off on the ride out to the East cut (otherwise known as my honey hole). The weather was really strange that morning, and the sky was super dark. Brittany and I did our share of complaining and made it known to the boys that we did not get up at 5am for just fishing and fellowship....we wanted some sun!! We fished for several hours that morning with dark skies and no fish in the box. It was looking like it was going to be a bummer of a trip. We decided to stop and fish at one more place. All of a sudden, the sun decided to come out, the fish decided they were hungry, and all was good in the world again. We ended up catching 14 keeper trout and PLENTY of sun. I really do love fishing. I love being out on the water with the sun on your back and a big fish on your line. I grew up fishing with my dad and have so many great memories. I just wish I could make it down for often. Enjoy some pictures from our trip.

Brittany and I waiting for the sun to come out
Cale, Brittany, Cody, and I after a successful day of fishing
Dad and his kids
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