I am now 18 weeks along in this pregnancy and had an appointment today with the radiologist for Baby M's full anatomy scan. Jason and my mom both came with me to the appointment which made it really fun. We were sooo hoping to confirm the baby's gender, but no such luck. :( Baby was breech today making it a little more difficult to get good shots. The radiologist did guess girl though without knowing that's what my doctor guessed so I am feeling slightly more confident but still not 100%. They took a ton of measurements, and everything looked great with the heart, spine, head, etc. which is always so great to hear. Baby was moving all over the place and even yawned and started sucking her thumb during part of the appointment which was so cute to see. They said she will most likely be tall bc her arms and legs were measuring long....not a huge surprise but still fun to know. My doctor also confirmed that the due date is remaining around August 5th. As much as we wanted a 100% confirmation of boy/girl, we just feel so happy that everything with the baby is looking great and right on track.
In other super exciting news, I have started feeling the baby move. I have been feeling it for a little over a week but wasn't positive it was the baby at first. I can now definitely tell when it's the baby I'm feeling which is so neat. Hopefully, we will have more pictures to post soon.
Buddy Sims
14 hours ago
there is nothing cooler than feeling that baby move! I used to put the remote control on my belly and Presley would kick it off all the time. I miss those kicks...Pres and Dylan were both big movers...and still are! :)
Sooooooo I'm assuming we aren't buying pink stuff yet or are we????? Hummmmm let me know if you need any shopping assistance, granted I'm better at shoes than baby stuff. But I'm sure your going to need so new shoes, so we can always do that until we are waiting to confirm the pink :) Glad it's all going as per God's plan.
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