I had another dr's appt this morning, and baby Mayeaux continues to have a mind of her own. Baby was still breech and was super active, making it difficult for my doctor to get any long glances. She did get several brief views from behind and said she feels confident that we have a modest little princess on our hands. She also said, if we end up having a boy to give her a call, and she will come help re-paint the nursery and return pink clothes. haha I asked her if we should be concerned that the baby is still breech, and she said it's not an issue at all right now except when trying to definitively determine the gender. Apparently most babies make their way head down by around 36 weeks. Baby Mayeaux continues to look healthy and is growing right on track which is the most important thing and is always so reassuring to hear. My jaw dropped when I saw I had gained 6 lbs since my last appt only 3 weeks ago. Yikes. My dr. assured me that I am still well within the normal range, and my belly is measuring exactly as it should so I shouldn't worry. All in all, it was a good appt., and we plan to now move forward with decorating our baby girl's nursery and solidifying a name.
Friday Favorites
1 day ago