I remember how distraught I was when in 3rd grade I was informed that I needed glasses. I tried on what seemed like hundreds of frames until I decided on a pair of huge-gold-rimmed beauties that I would wear for the next two years. I remember leaving the eye doctor after getting my glasses and being amazed that I could see the definition of the leaves on trees instead of one big, green blur on the top. In fifth grade, I convinced my mom that I was responsible enough to get contacts and was so excited to put the gold glasses to bed. I remember going to the eye doctor and just wanting my eyes to be better. I would try so hard to read the letters, but folks...once the "big E" is blurry, you just kind of accept the fact that your eyes are terrible. You get used to the idea of going to the eye doctor every year and hearing the "which is better...this is 1...this is 2...heres 1...now 2". (Those of you with bad vision who have frequented many eye doctors know what I mean). When Jason found out how bad my vision was, he decided that he would be a loving, caring, sensitive husband and ask me how many fingers he was holding up after I would take out my contacts at least once every couple of weeks. haha I had thought about/wished for better vision for years. Jason and I talked about it alot and decided it would be beneficial for us to invest in lasik. On February 12th, I went in for my surgery. It truly is amazing what modern-day technology can do. The actual surgery lasted less than 5 minutes. You are awake the entire time. It really was not painful but more just a little scary. They tell you to go home and tap a nap after the surgery bc your eyes heal better when they are closed. They give you a Valum (sp?) before the surgery so that helps with the napping afterward. :) Jason woke me up a few hours later to put eye drops in my eyes, and they were very uncomfortable at that time. I laid back down for 45 minutes and when I woke up they no longer hurt. We were watching tv and eating dinner when all of a sudden it dawned on my that I was seeing and didn't have my contacts on. It is truly amazing and worth every penny. The doctor said that my vision will continue to get more clear as my eyes continue to heal over the next few months, but I could read the 20/20 line with both eyes open the next morning....AMAZING!!
February Top 12
4 hours ago
1 comment:
I get a little bit scared when I see how red your eyes were. Do they not make a Visine for that? At least your eyes look bluer...
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