On February 10th, I celebrated my 27th birthday. For the last several years my birthday has been spent in an audit room working til all hours of the night so this year I was pleasantly surprised to be able to go out to dinner with Jason to celebrate my birthday! The day before my birthday, we went to dinner and celebrated with Jason's parents, his sister, and her boyfriend. The night of my actual birthday Jason and I had a low-key night together complete with some yummy Mexican food at Tony's. Jason let me order myself an early birthday present in January (a treadmill) so on my actual birthday he gave me a cookbook that I had been majorly hinting that I wanted. :) I was so excited to get it and have been obsessed with it since. I read the woman's blog on a daily basis www.thepioneerwoman.com and Jason often teases me that I am her stalker. haha I just think she is so witty, and all of her recipes are just good old comfort food dishes that are easy to make with normal ingredients. Much like Paula Dean, she doesn't skimp on the butter and fat (hince the need for the treadmill). Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera out at dinner so I don't have any pictures from my birthday, but it was a great day. Thanks to everyone that sent texts, emails, facebook messages, etc. It really made my day!!
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