The last weekend in March, I went to visit Kelsey and Callie in San Diego. Charlie was gone for pre-deployment training so we just had a girl's weekend. The trip this year was a little different than the last one with Callie here but just as enjoyable. We replaced kayaking with playing with blocks and the zoo with reading books and Disneyland with taking walks in the stroller. We had a great weekend together just hanging out and catching up. We went out to eat, cooked at home, and sat around and reminisced about our past. Callie is doing so many new things since I saw her at Christmas and is a champ at melting your heart. She has to be just the most precious thing I have ever seen. Callie is such a happy baby. She has recently learned to walk around the house while holding on to your fingers. She would crawl over to Kelsey or I and just grab our hands and would be on her way. Kelsey even tried hiding her hands from her one afternoon, and Callie sat waiting patiently until Kelsey reached for something later and she grabbed on and took off walking. She definitely knows how to get what she wants. I am so excited that she and Kelsey will be moving to Texas soon so I can see them more often. Kelsey is the closest thing to a sister that I have, and I have hated them living so far away. Thanks Kels for such a great weekend.

Callie is about to turn 1 so we had an early b-day celebration while I was there.
She loved the tissue paper
Callie excited about her new spring dress
Just checkin' to see if it is her size. :)
Callie is now feeding herself. She always grabs the biggest bites and stuffs them in her mouth. She points at her tray and grunts when she wants more food. I laughed all weekend watching her eat. She can put away some serious food for a baby.
Don't you just love her....I definitely do!
I already miss you Callie (and Kels!). Hurry back to Texas!!
1 comment:
You're so sweet, Kate! We love you, too, and miss you already! We can't wait to spend more time with you in TX! Thanks for making the trip out here!
P.S. I'm so sad we didn't get any pictures with you! Why did that happen?!?
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